Interview Simulator

An invitation to a job interview can bring a mix of emotions. An initial rush of excitement can also be accompanied by feelings of concern; especially if you haven’t had an interview for some time. One of the resources you may find helpful is called Interview Simulator.  I referred to this in our recent post about video interviewing but this resource can have wider benefits.  My colleague, Jane Challinor, explains how Interview Simulator works below:  

As a University of Edinburgh student you’re able to access Interview Simulator, an online interview preparation module we subscribe to for your benefit. Find it in the Resources tab of MyCareerHub.

When you’re in Interview Simulator, a short video gives you an overview of how to use it.


Watch the video – but here’s an outline to give you a quick impression of what Interview Simulator can do for you.

You have two main options – to go straight into the “Mock Interview” option, or to browse through a list of questions. These questions are grouped into categories and for each question you’re given a written explanation of why the employer might ask it, and what they’re hoping to hear in response. You can also choose to hear an employer outlining the purpose of the question, and their expectations.

In the Mock Interview section you can choose a pre-built version, or custom-build one by selecting questions yourself. It’s a good idea to set the timer, so you experience genuine time pressure! If you want, you can record your answers, or type them on screen. At the end, view the explanations given by employers – as seen in the “browse questions” section – and assess for yourself how close you’ve come to meeting their expectations. You’re not being given personal, 1:1 feedback on your performance but you are getting a good idea of the sorts of things to say – and not to say – to increase your chances of success. So why not see what you can learn from it?

For more advice on interview technique see